A CBM Christian Book Review - Wow, I Want What They Have

Title: Wow, I Want What They Have: 
Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse”
By: Pastor K. Bruce Brown
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Wow, I Want What They Have: Sanctified Marriage: Heavens Above “For Better or Worse” written by Pastor K. Bruce Brown is a book that encompasses marriage, yet speaks of connecting to God as our Abba Father first. Offering great insight to those who would seek to come up higher in marriage, and all of their relationships! 

Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents a book that builds faith, reveals the spiritual realm, coining the phrase, “Earth Life Bias” (ELB), and offers readers instruction on how to build a solid foundation in Christ, while increasing in faith, love, joy, and peace as a citizen of Heaven. He welcomes all to the family of God while offering a new perspective approach to living the triumphant plan God has for your life here on Earth, marriage included.

As an overall theme, Pastor K. Bruce Brown presents an understanding of “postmodernism” that has turned the truth upside down. This is an important point. Stating that the world is at an “end time” high of tolerating ungodly behaviors; we must teach our children the Word of God and God’s ways. In case you had not noticed the state's desire to take your children. Therefore, the Pastor strongly urges Christians to continually seek His Kingdom first, above all else. 

This book carries weightiness and holiness and is a timely word for all Christians, married or not. With keen insight, Pastor K. Bruce Brown sounds a call for change. His book offers valuable life-changing information. Some could compare this book to gazing through a prism of light with many multi-faceted colors, emanating from each angle. The author speaks in plain terms but opens eyes and ears to both the earthly realm and the heavenly realm revealing the two kingdoms that collide here on Earth. 

*Additionally, in the latter part of the book, the author discusses the book of Daniel. He speaks about the end times and builds faith, answering questions one might have.

This book comes highly recommended for those looking to delve into a deep and dedicated relationship, seeking to know their Abba Father, and His ways, and bring their life and marriage to a Kingdom level of living and breathing in the Kingdom. A wonderful read!

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