The Cold Wet Upcoming Winter

They say that we are in for a cold wet winter this year. No doubt that we could use some rain here in California. It's been a hot summer and last year we didn't see a lot of rain fall. El Nino they say is the season to come with lots of rain. After all the recent fires over the last two years, that means potential mud slides and all sorts of problems. But then again, the weather man has been known to prophesy some false weather reports. Even so, be prepared for a wonderful wet rainy winter. Keep your eye's and prayers on the midwest and the east coast. Especially where the tornado's hit and the hurricanes come sliding in. Yes, times are changing, the seasons are changing and nature is calling out.

Remember, regardless of the seasons and what they bring. God's loves you and His love is eternal and never changing.
Blessings, in the love of God.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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